Download and Install

Please note that BenguFarm is Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 compatible. For instructions on registration and setting up BenguFarm, go to the Manuals page and download the applicable module’s manual.

Software Informer Virus Free award

Follow the following Steps to install BenguFarm for Windows:

Step 1: If not installed, download and install Crystal Reports Run-Time for Visual Studio 2008

Crystal Reports Run-Time for Visual Studio 2008 [17.8MB]

Step 2: Download and install BenguFarm (TM)

Download BenguFarm (TM) Installer (29 January 2024).msi [46.9MB]

If you get a message that the Microsoft .Net Framework is not installed

  • Go to Windows Features:
    • In Windows 7, 8: Go to the Control Panel.
      - Windows 7: The "Control Panel" can be accessed via the Windows Start Menu.
      - Windows 8: Move mouse to top right hand corner of screen to bring up the windows quick links. Select "Settings" and then "Control Panel".
      Depending on the view settings of the Control Panel, first select "Programs" and then (or directly) select "Programs and Features". Now select "Turn Windows features on or off" (located at top left hand side of window).
    • Windows 10 & 11: Type 'Features' in at the Windows Search bar and select 'Turn Windows Features on or off'
  • Select (make a dot next to) ".Net Framework 3.5 (including .Net 2.0 and 3.0)"
  • Now click OK. .Net 3.5 will be installed.
  • You will be asked how to proceed. Select to let Windows download and install the .Net Framework.


Please note that BenguFarm MOBILE for Android is developed to run on Android LolliPop (Android 5) and later versions. BenguFarm MOBILE for Apple devices should be downloaded from the Apple App Store. The MOBILE app is to be used side-by-side with BenguFarm BEEF and SHEEP & GOATS. There is a separate app for users of BenguFarm GAME (see below)

Download and Install

Step 1: Download the BenguFarm MOBILE Android APK Installer File to your Android Smartphone or Tablet

BenguFarm MOBILE 21 November 2024 (Maui).apk [74.5MB]

Step 2: Install BenguFarm MOBILE

Long click on the downloaded BenguFarm MOBILE apk file. Your browser will bring up a menu. Select Download link. Once download, click on the downloaded installer file to install BenguFarm MOBILE.
At this stage the smartphone or tablet should be set to accept "Unknown Sources - All installation or apps from unknown sources". This should be able to be done under Settings > Security on a smartphone. Once BenguFarm MOBILE is installed, disable the "unknown sources" setting again on your smartphone/tablet. Newer versions of Android may also ask onscreen approval before it will install the app.


The iOS version of BenguFarm MOBILE can be purchased and downloaded from the Apple App Store. Please note that BenguFarm MOBILE for iOS is developed to run on iOS 11 and later versions. Please send a proof of purchase (e.g. Apple invoice or screen print of the purchase) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The MOBILE app is to be used side-by-side with the BenguFarm BEEF and SHEEP & GOATS modules. There is a separate app for users of BenguFarm GAME, although only for Android and not iOS. (see below)


Download BenguFarm (TM) GENETICS Installer (10 October 2024).msi [8.3MB]

Only for clients who purchased the GENETICS module.


Please note that BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME is developed to run on Android devices running Android Oreo (Android 8.0) and later. There isn't an iOS version of BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME available.

Download and Install

Step 1: Download the BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME Android APK Installer File to your Android Smartphone or Tablet

BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME 22 June 2023.apk [2.0MB]

Step 2: Install BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME

Tap on the downloaded BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME apk file to install BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME.
At this stage the smartphone or tablet should be set to accept "Unknown Sources - All installation or apps from unknown sources". This should be able to be done under Settings > Security on a smartphone. Once BenguFarm MOBILE for GAME is installed, disable the "unknown sources" setting again on your smartphone/tablet. Newer version of Android may also ask onscreen approval before it will install the app.

Other Files if Needed:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro:

For users who wish to import StudMaster data, download and install Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro

Download Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro [2.50MB]

Importing Shepherd Database on PC not running Shepherd, install Firebird Database Server
32 Bit Windows: Firebird-
64 Bit Windows: Firebird-

Windows RNDIS Driver:

For users who have trouble connecting the Tru-Test XR5000 scale to their computer, download and install the Windows RNDIS device driver.

Download Microsoft RNDIS Driver [2.50MB]

  • Download the RNDIS Driver Zip Package.
  • Unzip the zip file to a temporary location.
  • Go to the folder where the zip file was extracted to.
  • Right click on the "RNDIS" file with file type displayed as "Setup Information", not the "Security Catalogue" one. The file context menu will appear.
  • Select "Install" from the file context menu. The driver will be installed.
  • Make sure the scale "USB Mode" is set to "Ethernet". On the XR5000, go to: Settings > Next Page > Connections > USB > USB Mode
  • Make sure the Tru-Test Datalink program is closed.
  • Disconnect and reconnect the XR5000 scale.
  • If BenguFarm still does not pick up the scale, restart your computer and try again.

TeamViewer Remote Support Software:

TeamViewer remote support software allows us to log into a client's computer to help with problems that would otherwise be difficult to solve. TeamViewer generates an id and password. Only those people you give this id and password to, will be able to login into your computer and then only while your TeamViewer software is open. Download TeamViewer directly to your Desktop.

Download TeamViewer Remote Support Software [17.7MB]


Install on new computer and transfer data:

To install the program on an additional or new computer of the same client, follow the instructions at steps 1 and 2 at the top of this page and install the following:

  • Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for VS2008.
  • BenguFarm Installer 29 January 2024. Follow the onscreen prompts. Note: If you get a security warning, click "Allow", "Run Anyway" or something similar. If your computer still does not allow you to install the program, de-activate the anti-virus program temporarily and try again.

For detail instructions, please download the applicable manual at Manuals > BenguFarm-[module] Manual.

After you've installed the programme, you should upgrade to the latest version. Go to Downloads > Updates and download and install the latest version.

To move your data from the old computer to the new computer:

On the old computer:

  • Insert a memory stick on which you are going to make a BenguFarm backup into the computer.
  • Open BenguFarm and go to File > Backup and Restore.
  • Under Make a Backup, choose from What Type of Data do you want to make a Backup the option Full System Backup ('BFSysBack' folder).
  • Click on Browse and select the memory stick drive and a folder where you want to make the backup.
  • Click on Backup. In the selected folder a sub-folder with the name BFSysBackup_[date+time] in it will be created where all the applicable data, photos, etc. will be saved.
  • Remove the memory stick with the backup from the computer.

On the new computer:

  • Insert the memory stick with the backup you’ve made into the new computer.
  • Make sure BenguFarm is the same or newer version than on the old computer.
  • Open BenguFarm and select Restore a Backup from the Welcome window.
  • Under the heading Restore a Backup, select the option Restore Full System Backup (select BFSysBack... folder), click on Browse and go to where the backup is on the memory stick and select the BFSysBackup_[date+time] folder in which the system backup was made.
  • Click Restore.
  • To register BenguFarm on the new computer, call Henriëtte Labuschagne at 071 541 4736 and give her the Computer Identification Code at the top left of the Registration screen and your BenguFarm account name number (BPU___).
  • All your BenguFarm data, photos, settings and own reports should now be on your new computer.